March 2013

Bill Anderson | Law in Amerika is irretrievably broken. It cannot be reformed.

I don’t know where these photos came from (they were emailed to me without attribution), but my guess is they don’t do what they’re supposed to do. That is, if the intent was to strike fear into the hearts of imperialistic running-dog lackeys otherwise known as…

On Wednesday night, I had the honor of teaching at a wonderful church in Tucson, Arizona. It is shepherded by Pastor Robert Furrow. When I had first accepted in the invitation last fall, I had intended to teach about “The Future of the Middle East In Light of Bible Prophecy.” But…

Well known investor Jim Rogers, who made his fortune during the 1970′s crisis by investing in commodities like precious metals, has long-warned about the calamity faced by, not just America, but the world as a whole.
Rogers understands that we are living in perilous times, and that actions…

As a public service for businesses impacted by Obamacare’s Byzantine maze of penalties, fees, taxes, mandates and other regulations that will require you to shed workers, our enterprising Cub Reporter Biff Spackle offers the following Semi-Official Obamacare Pink Slip.
Feel free to…

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Obama Scolds Nation for Insufficient Gun Control Fervor: TAGObama and Bloomberg try to pressure Senate Dems on gun control?: LottUtah Sheriffs Association to Obama: From Our Cold Dead… | Bill moving in the Senate that makes war with Iran more likely.

No matter where you stand on the issue, the allegation that a baby surviving a botched abortion can legally be executed is noxious, repellent and — yes — evil. Yet this is the position of Planned Parenthood.
Florida legislators considering a bill to require abortionists to provide…

“Now it’s time to finish what we started.”
I wonder what Messina, Axelrod and the other Marxist kooks pulling the strings on this operation mean when they say “finish what we started“?

Doug Ross @ Journal

Well known economist and publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report, Doctor Marc Faber, raised eyebrows this morning when the long-time proponent of being your own central bank was quoted by Bloomberg as saying that the coming crisis will be so severe that you won’t even be able to hide…

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